Just one more week for nominations. Please keep them coming in.
Here some recent nominees:
MyCatholicVillage.com - This is a terrific Catholic social networking web site out of southern California. It is small but growing. The founders have been good about extending the on-line community to offline gatherings, such a charity runs and youth activities. I believe one of the founders is a surfer as well. Cool. Funny thing, I went to college in Southern California hoping to ride a few waves. Alas, the rigors of studies and lack of funds meant that best I could do was ride the bus to the library.
www.catholicradiointernational.com - A Catholic pod casting web site. It is intended to "bring honest and truthful information about our world."
iBreviary: the prayerbook for iPhone. The Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Social Communications has blessed an app developed by an Italian priest made in conjunction with a web designer. iBreviary provides the text of prayer in languages including English, Spanish, French, and Latin. Portuguese and German are expected to be available in the near future. The application is available through the iPhone App Store and retails for US$0.99 with future upgrades being free. Proceeds from the sale of the application will go to charity.
Body Language, a new album from Critical Mass: The new Critical Mass album is based on the Theology of the Body. According to the bands headman David Wang, Critical Mass is "using rock to teach the faith in a unique way. We are putting together a discussion forum on our website to discuss the songs and creating an updated set of liner notes to teach about the Church's stand on sexuality and love." Rock to teach the Theology of the Body. Innovative!
CatholicMom: CatholicMom celebrates "all things Faith, Family, and Fun from a Catholic perspective." Enjoy fresh perspectives from over 30 contributors. Read the latest selections from their Book Club. Check out great tunes from an array of talented Catholic musicians. Help your child make the most of the Liturgy of the Word with our Sunday Gospel activities. Listen to our weekly Catholic Moments Podcast for interviews with special people doing extraordinary things to live out our Catholic faith and share it with others. A great site. Check it out.
Speaking of Catholic moms, here is a very kind nomination from everyone's favorite Catholic Mom In Hawaii:
"Aloha Tom:
I'm not sure if I am doing this right but here goes. I would love to nominate Love to be Catholic. It has been a really blessing to have a pure Catholic alternative to YouTube. Unlike other similar sites, we are actually encouraged to upload videos, join groups, etc."
Thanks Esther, appreciate the shout out. I have to recuse myself and LoveToBeCatholic.com from the competition. Bad form to hold an award and then give it to myself. Thanks again for the encouragement and kind endorsement.
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