It’s always satisfying when a blog post draws interest and stirs up debate. My get-it-dot-com blog post certainly has done so.
I was reading about the article on other blogs and wanted to address a train of thought that I see time and again as holding back people and companies when it comes adopting new technology.
Technology vs. personal contact – They are not mutually exclusive.
Tech is not for everyone, but it does have a place. Certainly it is not to be ignored. Why? It's all about reaching out and connecting with people, when and how they choose to be. In doing so, we open a door and extend an invitation. Then we have an opportunity to develop a relationship and guide them to a deeper faith.
I saw a comment: “What about poor, rural areas and the technology illiterate?” My answer –That is not the target market for a digital evangelization. We do not adopt technology as a tool for evangelization at the expense of missionaries on the ground on poor rural areas. Poor villagers may need food, a roof over their heads, and perhaps a gathering place to worship, not a text message to a non-existent cell phone. Yet, the Internet can help this hypothetical village. It can be utilized to quickly raise awareness as well as funds to get these people the things they need. In this scenario, feet on the ground distributing supplies can build good will and relationships. In this simple example, technology is complementary with personal contact. We just need to be smart about it.
Here is my testimony. I was a fallen away Catholic and had been attending a Presbyterian Church for many years. Not feeling spiritually fulfilled, I began to pray for guidance. One day I fell onto a Catholic web site, downloaded and listened to a radio program. As a result, one week later I met with a Priest, went to confession for the first time in 20 years, and returned to the Catholic faith. What would have happened to me if the web site and download did not exist? How about all the others touched, inspired or fulfilled though the My choice of communicating is via the Internet. God found me there.
Let's evangelize and use all possible channels to do so.
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