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May 07, 2008


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Jeff Miller

The silly thing about the story is that he dis the same thing almost three years ago at the WYD in Germany.



The problem is, the media is the message/massage. Form and content can't be separated. I worry that with such a concern for modern media, Catholics will follow their Prot separated brethren down some dangerous acculturating roads.


Regarding: "The silly thing about the story is that he dis the same thing almost three years ago at the WYD in Germany."

Well, yes and no. They did us SMS back then. This year however, they are upping the ante - with virtual prayer walls, and a social networking web site like MySpace.

Javier Plumey

Mostly good stuff here. I agree with Irenaeus to a degree that while it's great to be using new media, we still need to focus on the content.

What's so good about using the internet if the message is watered down and wishy washy.

Don't get me wrong, I like all of the services that you mention, but I'm already starting to see a trend towards simplification thats alarming.


This is exciting news. We can all take advantage of these new media options to live out our call to share our Catholic faith with others...and not keep it hidden.

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